5 Tips to Be a Successful Woman in Business

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4 min readAug 9, 2018


Despite all the progress that has been made in the last few years, succeeding in business is almost always more challenging for women than it is for men. Sexism in the workplace is by no means dead, and women are often still expected to take on the majority of the housework, cooking, and childcare duties. Female entrepreneurs also have more trouble securing funding: just 15% raise more than $100,000, while 28% of men accomplish the same result.

The good news? Women are defying the odds and showing up in the workplace in a big way. Women-owned enterprises are on the rise, with 150% growth from 1997–2014 compared to the national average.

If you’re one of the smart, driven women in the business world today, then you’re probably doing everything you can to get ahead. Some days, it might feel like no one takes you seriously. Other days, you might feel on top of the world. Hanging on during the roller coaster requires a lot of strength, but following these five tips can make it a little bit easier.

1. Balance Your Home, Work, and Social Life

While putting in time at the office and focusing on your career is important, it’s just as important to maintain your home and social life. If you’re overwhelmed by the balance of work, household duties, and caring for children, you might have a hard time staying motivated or putting time into your relationships.

Maintaining balance is one of the biggest challenges women face, but it’s important to remember that balance looks different for everyone. If you’re overwhelmed, it might be a good idea to outsource some of your tasks if possible, or try to arrange a more flexible schedule.

Hiring someone to help with cleaning or childcare could help to improve your home/work/social balance, as could setting clear boundaries at work. Almost no one needs to be available 24/7.

2. Have a Passion or Hobby

It’s healthy to have something beyond a job to focus on. If you don’t have a hobby or passion already, find something you love that’s just for you, and make a commitment to do it regularly.

Taking time for you might seem like a “waste” but it helps to ensure that you’re well-rested and prepared for your workday. Having a creative outlet can help you to disconnect from the office and really let your brain relax. Hobbies can help prevent burnout, which means you’re more motivated to work when you are in the office.

3. Don’t Let Men Get You Down

Since many industries are still dominated by men, casual sexism and rude comments are something women in the business world have to deal with on a regular basis. Just the process of climbing the corporate ladder as a woman can be enough to make some men feel threatened.

Often men have preconceived ideas about women, and certain expectations about how they should conduct themselves. For example, women who are confident and ask for what they want are sometimes labeled as bossy or aggressive.

If a man treats you poorly in the office, know that it’s almost always about them, not you. Don’t let their actions and expectations get you down or keep you from speaking your mind. Stay optimistic, stand up for yourself, and always do your best to be the bigger person.

4. Show Up with Integrity

Show up every day and give it your all. Having honesty and integrity will show your colleagues how much strength and character you possess. Don’t make it a habit to gossip, complain, or dwell on the negativity of others — instead, display the traits of the best leaders.

Whether you want to be in a leadership position or not, taking the principles of charismatic leadership to heart can help you succeed. You’ll come off as confident and able to bring people together.

5. Let Go of Fear and Failure

Everyone gets scared. However, in order to advance and succeed in the business world, you need to accept your fears and not allow them to hold you back. We all fail, and the most successful people have many failures under their belts. Overcoming fear and failure makes you stronger!

A Better Future for Women in Business

Even though rising through the ranks is still challenging for women, it’s becoming more common all the time. Other women are taking the initiative and creating their own success: More than 9 million businesses in the U.S are now owned by women. As more women provide leadership and role models, we can look forward to a more innovative and equal workplace.

Resource by the Ohio University.



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